Tag Archives: Collaborative Project

Comparative Healthcare Inequalities

Module Theme: This COIL module invites students in two or more cultural contexts to explore healthcare inequality in their area.

Three Activities in Brief:
Students are grouped into binational teams with at least 2 students from each class.

  1. Icebreaker:
    • Students asynchronous prepare short videos which they post to shared Slack space.
  2. Comparative analysis assignment:
    • Students learn about healthcare inequalities in their own neighborhoods. Students prepare presentations on healthcare inequalities in their own neighborhoods.
    • The home institution students and the international institution students meet in their binational teams and the two groups meet asynchronously over Slack, share their presentations. They conduct a comparative analysis and document this by posting their presentations on Slack.
  3. The collaborative project:
    • A binational team PowerPoint presentation prepared by students asynchronously over Slack which describes the project theme and the similarities and differences of healthcare inequalities in each country.
    • The PowerPoint was presented at a student conference as part of the Steven’s Initiative, Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (GSACS) Program.

Technology Used:

  1. Shared space: Slack (asynchronous discussion and projects)
  2. Students communicated via Slack (asynchronous discussion and projects) and Zoom (synchronous meeting)

Author: Helen Chang, Ph.D. (Hostos Community College, CUNY)

Courses: American Government (Political Science 101), Radiology, and Physical Therapy

Associated Discipline(s): Political Science, Social Sciences, Public Health, Nursing, Health Sciences

Duration of Module: 6 weeks

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