Tag Archives: Gentrification

Comparing Gentrification


This COIL module invites students in two or more cultural contexts to explore gentrification in their area.

Three Activities in Brief

Students are grouped in team with their classmates at their home institution, and those groups are paired with groups at the international institution

1. Icebreaker: Students asynchronous prepare short videos which they post to shared Padlet space

2. Comparative analysis assignment:

  • Students learn about gentrification in their own neighborhoods; The binational teams split and the students first work with their home classmates and prepare presentations on gentrification.
  • The home institution student groups meet with their assigned international student group synchronously over Zoom, share their presentations, and conduct a comparative analysis. They document this by recording the Zoom presentations and complete a shared google form as an international team comparing similarities and differences.

3. The collaborative project in gentrification: the binational teams prepared a PowerPoint presentation working synchronously over What’s App which describes the project theme and the similarities and differences of gentrification in each country. The PowerPoint was presented at a student conference as part of the Steven’s Initiative, Global Scholars Achieving Career Success (GSACS) Program.

Tech Used

1. Students communicated via What’s App and Zoom

2. Shared Work Space: Padlet, screenshot below:

Discipline: Humanities

Length of Module: 4 Weeks

Author: Amy Ramson, adapted by Krystyna Michael