Successful intercultural dialogue requires preparation between collaborating faculty and among collaborating students.
Tips for Communication between Faculty:
Faculty who are collaborating on the shared syllabus, should discuss:
- Modes faculty will use to communicate with each other.
- Schedule to meet before and during project.
- Time and effort each faculty will dedicate to preparation and monitoring of the student activities.
- Interest in monitoring communication among students in binational teams
- Teaching styles
- Respective expectations of the COIL project for students: benefits; how much time students should spend on activities; mandatory nature, etc.
- If a misunderstanding arises, create a protocol for faculty to follow.
Tips for Communication among students:
Faculty should:
- Identify content and undertake discussions at beginning of project to teach about best practices of cross-culture dialogue.
- Incorporate readings etc. concerning cultures of each country.
- Create ground rules for communication for class to prevent misunderstandings.
- Provide support system for students should misunderstandings arise.
- Turn negative moments of misunderstanding into teaching moments.
- Require critical reflection throughout the project to enable students to internalize cross-cultural awareness-discussion questions or discussions; surveys; essays etc.