Women’s Structural Violence

CUNY Class Information

Víctor M. Torres-Vélez, PhD, Assistant Professor

Hostos CC

Hispanic Migrations to the United States

LAC 132-604A (29159) \| Fall 2021

One semester.

International Class Information

Professor T. Gillum

The American University of Cairo

Community Psychology: Community-Based Learning

PSYC 3003, Fall 2021

One semester.

Project Description

This particular GSACS COIL project is a collaboration between Dr. Gillum, from The American University in Cairo and Dr. Torres-Vélez, from Hostos Community College, CUNY. In this collaboration, students from Prof. Gillum’s class, Community Psychology, and Prof. Torres-Vélez’s class, Hispanic Migration, will be working individually, in groups, and collaboratively on assignments seeking to address a shared inquiry-based question. The inquiry-based question will explore how structural violence affects women in Cairo, Egypt, and New York City, U.S.A. Topics to be discussed within this question are:

How does class positioning influence perceptions of gender inequality?

How does class positioning differentially affect gender inequality impacts?

What role do other intersecting hierarchical positionings, such as race and/or ethnicity, play in the uneven distribution of life chances?

In addition to readings, discussions, and presentations, both classes will address these questions through experiential learning, mainly by working with a community-based organization in their respective countries.

Online Platforms

At both institutions, each instructor will use their respective Knowledge Management Systems, in the case of Hostos the Blackboard platforms. All students have access to this by virtue of their enrollment in the class. All resources (articles, videos, etc.) and assignment submissions will be posted on this platform.

Padlet will be used by both instructors to facilitate joint students activities (i.e. introductions). This is free to students (and instructors for up to 6 Padlets per instructor) and easily accessible via any electronic device (computer, tablet. smartphone). The instructor needs to just send the link to the students for each Padlet.

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