Category Archives: Math and Science

Quality of Drinking Water in Jordan and New York City

Image created by Dori on WikiMedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

CUNY Class Information

Instructor: Anna Ivanova

Hostos Community College

General Chemistry I: CHE 210/Spring 2022

8 weeks + Student Conference

International Class Information

Instructor: Salaheddin Abu Yahya

Jordan University of Science and Technology/Jordan

Chemical Industries

CHE 422/Spring 2022

8 weeks + Student Conference

Project Description

The format of this module was based on the template provided by Prof. Amy Ramson, Co-PI of the GSACS project at Hostos Community College, CUNY

Water is essential for all aspects of our life, and therefore high quality of water needs to be maintained. Unfortunately, many people all over the world do not have an access to safe and clean drinking water. In 2020 two billion people lacked safely managed drinking water.[1] In addition to water pollution and water stress, many countries are struggling with challenges related to water scarcity due to the climate change, or degraded water-related ecosystems, and other challenges [2]. Although United States has an advanced wastewater facilities and expansive pipelines supply quality water to both cities and rural areas, various reasons, such as natural disasters, infrastructure failures or poor system maintenance may seriously affect the water quality [3]. Jordan, on the other hand is considered as one of the countries struggling with water crisis. Dwindling water supplies and growing population will significantly reduce water use per capita in Jordan by the end of this century [4].

This 8-weeks course module brings college students in Jordan and New York City together to explore the issue of water pollution and the quality of drinking water in different neighborhoods/regions in Jordan and New York City, in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). In this module, you will collaborate and complete activities with international peers, conduct an experiential learning activity and finally, present your research project with your international team at a virtual student conference at the end of the semester.

Online Platforms

Padlet, Zoom, Google Docs

Full Module