Category Archives: Uncategorized

Principles of Management

CUNY Class Information

Instructor: Dr. Linda L. Ridley

CUNY Campus – Hostos Community College 

Class title – Principles of Management

BUS 201 312A (27935)

International Class Information

Instructor: Prof. Nellie El Anany

Partnership institution/ country: American University in Cairo, Egypt

Class title – Entrepreneurial Leadership and Critical Global Issues – 

Length of COIL Collaboration – 12 months, starting in Spring 2021 and implemented in Spring 2022

Project Description

This COIL Module invites students in two or more cultural contexts to tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 10 – Reduced Inequalities.  This goal is in alignment with the learning outcomes. Students are exposed to experiential learning through the collaboration of the teams from both universities in the development of a podcast.  Students are placed onto multi-student teams of a size between 4-6 students, and each team develops their podcast based on a topic area their team has chosen, which topic would fall within the frame of UN SDG 10. Students would identify a critical global challenge that falls within the UN SDG 10, for example, “How do inequalities differ across various settings?”

Online Platforms

Once students have been assigned to groups, they should collaborate to decide which communications tools serve their purpose. This consensus-building will be the start of establishing trust within each group. Suggested tools that students can choose from include but are not limited to Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom, Google Suite, or WhatsApp. 

Full Module

Educational Inequality

CUNY Class Information

Instructor- Dr. Asrat G. Amnie

CUNY campus-Hostos Community College

Class title—HLT Medical Terminology

HLT-124-000[29530] Medical Terminology

International Class Information

Instructor – Professor Oubaha Driss

Partner institution/country – Abdelmalek Essaâdi University,  Morocco 

Class title – Course: English

Discipline – Department of languages: English Studies

Class Information – Fighting Inequality: Democratizing Education in the 21st Century Education

Length of collaboration: semester-long

Project Description

Description of COIL Project- GSACS is a program that is supported by many institutions including the US Department of State, the Bezos Family Foundation and the governments of Morocco and United Arab Emirates. Our collaboration focuses on reducing inequality in Education (Sustainable development goal  ≠4 and  Reduced inequality between among countries  (Sustainable development goal  #10.) Students will collaboratively work with other education students to explore, compare and contrast the cultural backgrounds and the education systems in both Morocco and USA, determine the factors that influence education inequality and identify ways to reduce educational inequities/inequalities in both countries.

In this program students will actively participate in this virtual exchange experience by delivering presentations and participating in the student conference by the end of the term. 

Online Platforms

Technology used for shared space—Slack

Technology used by students in bi-national teams—Zoom

Technology used for synchronous sessions with both classes—Zoom

We used Slack as the online platform for joint sessions.  Slack, initially developed for workplace communication, has found extensive applications in education. Its core feature, real-time communication through channels and direct messaging, fosters collaboration among students, educators, and administrators. By creating dedicated channels for subjects and projects, Slack organizes discussions and resource sharing, while direct messaging facilitates quick clarifications and support between peers and instructors. Integration with third-party tools like Google Drive enhances file sharing and document collaboration, streamlining workflow and productivity. Additionally, features such as polls and reminders aid in assessment and course management. Slack’s user-friendly interface and cross-platform compatibility ensure accessibility for all users, while robust security measures protect sensitive information, making it a valuable tool in modern education for promoting engagement, collaboration, and organization.

Full Module

Structural Racism and Gender Inequality

CUNY Class Information

Instructor: Dr. Ana Ozuna 

CUNY campus: Eugenio María de Hostos Community College 

Class title: BLS 114: The African American Experience 

Class Information: code/date/time: BLS 114-401A (36638), Jan 25, 2023-May 23, 2023, Mo 12:30PM – 1:45PM

Length of COIL Collaboration: Feb. 20th -May 22nd

International Class Information

Instructor: Dr. Brahim Barhoun

Partner institution/country: Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan, Morocco

Class title: Modern Poetry

Class Information–code/date/time: N/A

Length of COIL Collaboration: Feb. 20th -May 22nd

Project Description

During the project, students examined the impact of structural racism and gender inequality in communities of color in the United States and underrepresented groups in Morocco. To better understand systemic oppression and discrimination, students will thoroughly explore how social identities, such as race, gender, sexuality, and class, generate a prism of inequality. Concomitantly, course content will engage students in examining how marginalized groups in both countries have challenged systemic oppression. Throughout the semester a series of binational and intercultural activities will prompt students to consider the best strategies to contest and disrupt interlocking systems of power to affirm equity and inclusion.

Online Platforms

The bi-nation teams used the following tools to communicate:

  • Zoom
  • Padlet
  • Google docs
  • Email

Technology used for shared space: 

  • Zoom during classroom sessions. 

Technology used by students in bi-national teams: 

  • Zoom, Padlet and e-mail

Technology used for synchronous sessions with both classes: 

  • Zoom during classroom sessions.

Full Module

Comparative Health Inequalities

CUNY Class Information:

Instructor: Helen Chang, Ph.D 

CUNY campus: Hostos Community College

Class title: American Government

Class Information: POL101

Length of COIL Collaboration: Spring 2023 semester

International Class Information:

Instructors: Dr. Ratib Abu Shameh and Dr. Muntaser S. Ahmad

Partner institution: Palestine Ahliya University

Class titles: Physical Therapy and Radiology

Length of COIL Collaboration: Spring 2023 semester

Project Description

This module on comparative healthcare inequalities brought together a political science class, a radiology class, and a physical therapy class. The virtual exchange focused on the inequality in healthcare access and treatment, with an emphasis on race, gender, age, and disability. Students learned how various groups in NYC and Palestine are impacted by differential access and costs to healthcare. They also analyzed some of the social, political, and historical factors that have contributed to similarities and differences in healthcare access and outcomes in NYC and Palestine.

Online Platforms

Slack: most of the virtual exchange occurred in Slack

Zoom: used for the one synchronous meeting that all 3 classes attended

Full Module

Reducing Inequality within Persons with Disabilities

CUNY Class Information

Professor: Nancy Genova
Hostos Community College, Bronx, NY, USA

Fundamentals In Public Administration (PPA 101)

Class Information– 000A/ Fall 2021/ synchronous

6 weeks

International Class Information

Professor: Dr. Sara Rguig

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan, Morocco|

Reading Comprehension and composition

[Class Information–code/date/time]

[Length of COIL Collaboration] 6 weeks

Project Description

The project focused on the topic of reducing inequality within persons with disabilities. However, the classes broke off in groups and developed four projects.

Online Platforms

Students communicated via Slack (asynchronous posts, feedback, and bi-directional communication) and Zoom (synchronous meeting). Students also texted and shared videos through WHATSAPP

Full Module

Quality of Drinking Water in Jordan and New York City

Image created by Dori on WikiMedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

CUNY Class Information

Instructor: Anna Ivanova

Hostos Community College

General Chemistry I: CHE 210/Spring 2022

8 weeks + Student Conference

International Class Information

Instructor: Salaheddin Abu Yahya

Jordan University of Science and Technology/Jordan

Chemical Industries

CHE 422/Spring 2022

8 weeks + Student Conference

Project Description

The format of this module was based on the template provided by Prof. Amy Ramson, Co-PI of the GSACS project at Hostos Community College, CUNY

Water is essential for all aspects of our life, and therefore high quality of water needs to be maintained. Unfortunately, many people all over the world do not have an access to safe and clean drinking water. In 2020 two billion people lacked safely managed drinking water.[1] In addition to water pollution and water stress, many countries are struggling with challenges related to water scarcity due to the climate change, or degraded water-related ecosystems, and other challenges [2]. Although United States has an advanced wastewater facilities and expansive pipelines supply quality water to both cities and rural areas, various reasons, such as natural disasters, infrastructure failures or poor system maintenance may seriously affect the water quality [3]. Jordan, on the other hand is considered as one of the countries struggling with water crisis. Dwindling water supplies and growing population will significantly reduce water use per capita in Jordan by the end of this century [4].

This 8-weeks course module brings college students in Jordan and New York City together to explore the issue of water pollution and the quality of drinking water in different neighborhoods/regions in Jordan and New York City, in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). In this module, you will collaborate and complete activities with international peers, conduct an experiential learning activity and finally, present your research project with your international team at a virtual student conference at the end of the semester.

Online Platforms

Padlet, Zoom, Google Docs

Full Module

Quality of Drinking Water in Jordan and New York City

Quality of Drinking Water in Jordan and New York City

Spring 2023

CUNY Course Information

Instructor: Ji Kim

CUNY Campus: Guttman Community College

Class Title: General Chemistry II

International Class Information

Instructor: Salaheddin Abu Yahya

Institution: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Class Title: Chemical Reaction

Project Description: The joint virtual global learning activity brought together college students from Jordan and New York City to learn about UN SDG #6 and explore the issue of water pollution and drinking water quality in both regions. The activity involved undergraduate students from Guttman Community College and Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). The students worked in binational collaborative learning groups, collected field data on drinking water quality, and presented their findings and policy recommendations at a virtual international student conference.

Investigating Gender Inequalities in Morocco and NYC

Investigating Gender Inequalities in Morocco and NYC

Fall 2021

CUNY Class Information

Instructor: karen g. williams

Campus: Guttman Community College

Course Title: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

International Class Information

Instructor: Aicha Bouchara

Partner Inestitution: Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

Project Description: This 8-week final project brought college students in Morocco and New York City together to explore the issue of gender inequality, in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goal #10 of “ Reduced Inequalities. ” In this module, students learned how gender inequality manifests in the US and Morocco and conducted a survey project on gender inequality in our local communities

Gender-Related Inequalities

Gender-Related Inequalities

Spring 2023

CUNY Class Information

Instructor Jinzhong Niu

Campus: Guttman Community College

Class Title: INFT 221 – Web Technologies and Multimedia

International Class Information

Instructor: Rihabb Alsalamen

Partner Institution: Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine

Project Description: In this project, students at Guttman worked with their peers from Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) to investigate gender-related inequalities in the United States and Palestine and build websites to showcase the research results. To facilitate the virtual exchange and collaboration, assignments and activities were arranged for students to get to know each other and to learn about the cultural